Best WordPress Themes for Blogs Listed by Category

Best WordPress themes

You’ve put a lot of thought into the content and design of your blog, but with literally thousands of free and premium WordPress themes at your disposal, it makes sense to take the time to select a theme that matches your vision.

You’ll get the best results for your blog when you select a WordPress theme that was developed with the purpose that you have in mind for your blog. Read through these reviews of some of the best WordPress themes for blogs, as listed by category.

How to Choose a Domain Name That You Will Love!

How to choose a domain name

For the creative members of our society, thinking of how to choose a domain name before they set up a blog is no big deal. They can dream up the perfect idea for a brand or business and make it look like child’s play.

If you count yourself among this segment of the population, congratulations. If you don’t, let’s see what we can do to help…

Free Blogging Platforms 2020: 3 of the Best Free Blog Sites!

Free blog platforms comparison

If you don’t want to start on a self-hosted blog platform and become a serious blogger, there’s always a way to start a off with the help of free blog platforms.

You’ll have a lot of limitations, but at least you’ll have a virtual place where you can put down your thoughts, ideas and so on.

Free blog platforms are perfect for people who, don’t plan to blog more than a few months, don’t have enough money to start a self-hosted blog platform, or aren’t interested in making money from their site.

Rackspace Reviews 2020: Is Their Email & Cloud Hosting any Good?

Rackspace reviews

If you’re looking to expand your business into the world of cloud computing, our Rackspace review may push this company up in your search.

So, what is Rackspace hosting, and what do they do?

Rackspace is one of the premier managed cloud service providers around. They’ve also been around for a long time: since 1998, to be exact. But our Rackspace review will let you know a few things you might not expect…

Amazon Web Hosting Review: Is AWS Cloud Service Any Good?

AWS Amazon hosting review

You can go to Amazon for just about everything these days. Whether it’s the latest book release, groceries, or electronics, you can find it on Amazon. In the past few years, the company has even ventured into publishing and TV production. Now, Amazon is offering AWS hosting services.

Want to know more about how well they do?

Then read our Amazon web hosting review!

Hosting24 Review: Pricing, Rating, Hosting Plans & More!

Hosting24 review

Hosting24 apparently gives tons of features, unlimited everything, good support, & pricing, but is this the whole picture?

Read our Hosting24 review to find out if you should go with this company, or avoid them completely!

BigCommerce Reviews: Everything You Need to Know!

It’s difficult to start a conversation about e-commerce platforms without some mention of BigCommerce. The service has a large user base, with over 98,000 sites.

They’ve got a feature-packed interface with a lot of positives, and there’s plenty of incentive to give them a go.

Unfortunately for them, they aren’t the only ones in the game…

Bluehost Email Hosting: Are Plans and Pricing Good?

bluehost email hosting

Bluehost is popular because of its great name, affordable cost, and commitment to serving its users as well as being a recommended web host provider for WordPress builders and bloggers.

How is it’s email services, however? Find out if they are up to scratch in our Bluehost email hosting review.

Best WordPress Hosting in 2020: Top 12 Compared & Reviewed

Best WordPress hosting

Trying to find the best hosting for WordPress can send you along an endless maze of roadblocks and countless hours of research, not to mention exorbitant fees, before you finally find one that works for you.

The best WordPress hosting service is one that does everything you need it to and maybe a little more than that…

Website Builder Reviews: Wix WordPress Squarespace & Weebly

Website builder reviews

There are scores of builders on the web, some widely known and adored, others key to a niche of developers and some that aren’t all that special. The industry is highly competitive, as we’ll be looking at the top four, WordPress, Squarespace, Wix, and Weebly.

All of these website builders offer extensive communities, control support, customer service templates, blogging, e-commerce features, and integrated developer supported plugins.

Who is the best, however?

Read our website builder reviews to find out!

Best Linux Hosting Reviews: Server Comparison & Rating

Best Linux Hosting

Strike up a conversation with any experienced web developer about where to host a site, and chances are the conversation will at some point veer to Linux-based servers.

The operating system may not be the most popular choice for home computers, but when it comes to hosting websites, it’s something of an industry standard. Sure, there are reasons to use Windows servers on some occasions, but the vast majority of developers (and hosting providers) prefer to go with the best Linux hosting.

Liquid Web Reviews: Hosting Plans, Pricing, Ratings & More!


A web host that doesn’t even bother with the Shared Hosting options? For many high-level web developers, this is music to their ears. A host that specializes in VPS and Dedicated servers must have honed their skills in these areas to the point of mastery, no?

Liquid Web reviewsLet’s find out, get our full Liquid Web reviews rating and find out what they do well by reading on…

Yola Review: Website Hosting Plans, Pricing & More!


What is Yola? You’d be forgiven for not knowing (but I guess you do if you’re reading a yola review :-/) a thing about this service. Originally from Cape Town, South Africa, the web host set up shop in San Francisco in 2009, changing their name from SynthaSite and going through a complete rebranding to attract new users.

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