While being a lifestyle blogger may seem like a sought-after career or side gig for many people, you may wonder about how you can start this lifestyle blog, what skills you need (especially if you don’t consider yourself tech-savvy), and how you can maintain the blog.
While these concerns are very valid, you are at the right place and I’m going to tell you that you don’t need to worry – at all! Here, you will find a guide to the process of starting your on blog or website or lifestyle topics.
Follow these 8 golden rules to becoming a lifestyle blogger and begin your journey to success as we show you how to start your own blog in the lifestyle niche.
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Table of Contents
How to start a lifestyle blog: 8 steps to set up properly

1. Follow your interests
The fun thing about starting a lifestyle blog is that you can blog about a variety of elements of your day-to-day life.
You can blog about whatever topics you fancy, whether that’s fashion, cooking, music, or even parenting.
While you have a wide array of topics you can cover, good advice is that you blog should have an identity and focus on between 2 to 3 main topics or themes. Why? Well, this will help you garner a loyal readership and readers will know what to expect when they visit your page. So, brainstorm what you would like to write about and use this to guide your blog’s direction.
2. Showcase your skills
If you are a creative in the music, fashion, food, decor and renovation, or photography space (either as your main profession or a side gig), then starting and maintaining your lifestyle blog is one way in which you can share what your passion(s) with like-minded people, and moreover, these readers/visitors can follow you on this journey, career, or hobby.
You will find that sharing the knowledge or tips you have with others who are interested in the same topics as you to be rewarding. This is also a great way to increase your readership as you can establish yourself as an authority in a particular subject area.
In showcasing your likes and skills, be open and honest with your readers. Sharing set-backs and/or failures is good for your readers to see as it humanizes you and gives them someone to relate to in a much more easier way than if you only appear super successful. So, share your achievements, successes, as well as failures and learning moments.
3. Pick a name
Choosing a name for your blog may seem daunting, but it doesn’t have to be a process that frustrates you. If you are not inspired right away, then work through your options logically considering your content theme, your tone of voice and the identity you want to build.
Using wordplay in the naming of your blog can help it be memorable. It will also help with the longevity of your name/blog. Check out my step-by-step guide on how to come up with a blog name.
4. Get your blog set up
Once you’ve chosen your blog name, you will need to buy the domain name. Your URL should be as close as possible to the title of your blog, making it easy to find you on a search engine.
You should also set up any relevant social media accounts with a similar or identical name so that you can alert followers instantly to new posts and generate more traffic to your site.
Learning how to create a lifestyle blog from scratch doesn’t need to be hard and you certainly don’t need to know how to code one yourself.
Professional hosting sites such as WordPress are a great way to set up a website without any fuss nor high price tag, and you can customize your domain to reflect you and your blog with a theme and creative layout.
You can purchase from a huge range of themes available online but to get you started there are also plenty of free layouts available. You can also take a look at my list of the best WordPress themes for inspiration.
5. Set a schedule
With your site up and running the next step is to get blogging! Good blogs will have a steady stream of relevant and interesting content and it can be hard to come up with blog ideas for your posts under pressure.
When creating a lifestyle blog, I would recommend setting a loose schedule of content for a few weeks so you know what you have planned in and can avoid any last minute rushes. For some ideas on how to start planning your posts, take a look at this advice video.
You don’t need to follow it rigidly, as your blog should be a natural reflection of what is currently on your mind our happening in your life. If something crops up one week that is particularly relevant, then you can be flexible and shuffle things around to suit you best.
6. Write with purpose
It can be challenging to come up with original post ideas all the time, but try to avoid writing a post just for the sake of it – readers don’t want filler content and will get bored of too much ‘fluff’. If you’re really struggling with ideas then it’s ok to take a break every now and then and your readers will be more loyal if you stay true to who you.
To help avoid writer’s block, keep notes on your phone of good ideas as and when they pop into your head; a killer idea might come to you while you’re on the bus to work so writing it down will make sure you don’t forget.
7. Work on your style
Developing your tone of voice and writing style is key to publishing engaging, interesting and enjoyable content that will keep your readers coming back for more. Take some time to think about the people who are most likely to read your blog, why they might be reading it and then build out ideas for your website according to this.
Interacting with your readers by encouraging them to leave comments and questions is a great way to get to know them and what they love about your blog.
Taking your time to develop ideas and work on blogs is essential, they should have structure and a good flow in order to keep people reading from start to finish. While it can be tempting just to type out all of your thoughts onto the page, read back through after to see how you can make it more concise and reader-friendly.
8. Build your audience
Now you know how to start a lifestyle blog and create great content, it’s time to start building your reader base. A great way to shout about your new blog is through social media, if you already have a personal account then let friends and family know that they can now visit your own domain.
You might want to set up social media accounts such as Facebook, Pinterest and Twitter (my guides on setting those up at the previous links) to promote your blog, but remember that a lifestyle blog is supposed to be personal and show true insight into your life, so don’t make it too professional.
Starting a lifestyle blog: our conclusion
Following these 8 rules when starting a lifestyle blog will put you in a great position for your first venture into the blogosphere.
Remember to publish quality content that your readers will enjoy and share your thoughts/knowledge/wisdom where you can.
As you evolve it is natural that your blog will too, but a loyal following will ensure that you maintain your reader base throughout your journey as a lifestyle blogger.
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