Blogging Tips and Tricks

Blogging tips and tricks

Best Free Terms and Conditions Generator for Websites

Free terms and conditions generator

We all want to succeed and try to learn as much as possible about marketing, social media, SEO and a whole bunch of other “requirements” that will get us there, but have you thought about looking into setting up your terms and conditions page?

What most people don’t realize is that the legal side of running a business is just as important as all of the above, but what will happen if certain things don’t go as planned?

To avoid any nasty surprises, you have to have a properly written terms and conditions agreement available. So here we will look at the 3 best free terms and conditions generators out there.

How to Start a Mom Blog & Make Money: 2020 New Blogger Guide

How to start a Mom blog and make money

If you’re reading this post, chances are you wish to learn how to start a mom blog or are simply looking to improve your knowledge in this area.

We all know that moms are the best, right? If not for the obvious reasons, for being there for us when they didn’t have to. Of course, dads are great too, but there’s something about moms that warms everyone’s hearts.

How to Start a WordPress Blog on Bluehost: 2020 Guide

How to start a blog on BlueHost

Call me old school, but I still believe old is gold.

In this case, I mean that compared to most other platforms, Bluehost has been around for quite a while. And it’s still a good one.

While a decent number of hosting companies have sprouted up in the recent past, millions of websites today are still hosted on Bluehost. The platform plays host to websites ranging from universities, e-commerce stores, and government sites, as well as personal blogs.

How to Promote Your Blog for Free: 101 Ways to Increase Traffic

promote website and get visitors

Approximately 95% of blogs fail due to lack of readership.

Luckily, I’ve grown some blogs into 500,000+ monthly visitors (see images in the article) and I’ve literally tried every method on the internet. It didn’t happen overnight however, it took a lot of testing, failing and starting all over again.

Here’s what you need to know…

How to Start a Fitness Blog & Make Money Successfully in Health

fitness blog guide

If you’re an exercise enthusiast or beginner just starting out on your journey, starting a fitness blog is a great way to stay motivated, keep track of your progress and share your secrets with the world.

But not everyone knows how to make a fitness blog a success.

If you want to help inspire people to exercise more, or connect with others and share exercise tips then you need to ensure that you set up your site in the right way and grow your followers organically so check out our step-by-step tutorial.

Best Blog Hosting Sites: Which Web Host is Best for Bloggers?

best blog hosting

The best blog hosting sites are not created equally. Whether you are just starting out or have thousands of followers, the job of the best blog sitess is to help you reach your intended audience.

You don’t have to let the hundreds of blog hosting companies buffalo you into analysis paralysis.

Here’s the skinny on the best web hosting services with a breakdown of the best and worst features.

How to Get Your Blog on Google (And Make it Show Up Higher!)

take website to google

Once you’ve launched your blog – the first thing you’re going to ask is “How to get your blog on Google?”

Problem is, some people are having really hard time getting their new blog indexed by Google. But…

I’ve finally found out that you can actually do it in less than 24 hours.

Free Blogging Platforms 2020: 3 of the Best Free Blog Sites!

Free blog platforms comparison

If you don’t want to start on a self-hosted blog platform and become a serious blogger, there’s always a way to start a off with the help of free blog platforms.

You’ll have a lot of limitations, but at least you’ll have a virtual place where you can put down your thoughts, ideas and so on.

Free blog platforms are perfect for people who, don’t plan to blog more than a few months, don’t have enough money to start a self-hosted blog platform, or aren’t interested in making money from their site.

How to Start A Travel Blog and Make Money: 6 Actionable Tips

How to start a travel blog

You don’t need to be one of the world’s great explorers to know how to create a successful travel blog. You simply need to be passionate about traveling and keen to share your experiences with the world.

It’s possible to get a blog up and running in less than a day, however before you start there are some key things to remember that will ensure you start on the road to success…

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Learn how to...

  • Start a blog from scratch & scale to 6-figures
  • How to write content that Google LOVES
  • How to use Paid Traffic and Affiliate Marketing
  • SEO mastery so that your articles actually rank