Website Hosting Comparisons

Best Linux Hosting Reviews: Server Comparison & Rating

Best Linux Hosting

Strike up a conversation with any experienced web developer about where to host a site, and chances are the conversation will at some point veer to Linux-based servers.

The operating system may not be the most popular choice for home computers, but when it comes to hosting websites, it’s something of an industry standard. Sure, there are reasons to use Windows servers on some occasions, but the vast majority of developers (and hosting providers) prefer to go with the best Linux hosting.

Best Shared Hosting Providers of 2020: Reviews & Top Ratings

best shared hosting

Determining which is the best shared hosting provider can seem daunting with all the available options out there these days. Sifting through them all can be a challenge for anyone.

With the help of these shared hosting reviews, you should be able to take some of the guesswork out of your decision.

Best Dedicated Server Hosting Providers: Top 10 Reviewed

Best dedicated server hosting

Deciding on the best dedicated server hosting can be a tricky task even if you are tech-savvy. However, with the many options available, you should be able to find something that fits all your requirements along with your budget.

Who is the right choice, however, and is the same choice right for everyone?

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