Reviews: The Good, and the Gory Details!

Maybe you’re someone who came up with a brilliant idea for a fabulous website. You envision a website design that has all the bells and whistles that get people flocking to your site. It’s easier than ever for most anyone to set up their own blog, website or ecommerce online store.

Building a website sounds great on the surface for anyone who wants to get started. Things change when you start adding up the costs of getting a domain name, a web hosting plan, and any add-ons or features to make it look and function the way that you always dreamed it would. solved the problem of costs with a web host platform that gives you almost everything for free. Here’s a look at what you get and don’t get with this review.


I give a consumer rating of 3 stars out of 5. Everyone likes to get something for free. Businesses know that consumers are initially attracted to anything free.

Most of us know that free typically means that you get less in quality, quantity or service. There is a little truth and a little fallacy to all of those things as they pertain to Please scroll down as we review’s good, bad, and the fine print on our site.

Consumers complain about some of the most important issues that affect their online businesses. A free site doesn’t do you any good if your audience can’t find it or access it. Here’s a snapshot of the pros and cons of using

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free hosting reviews reviews logoWhile this review gives the company an average rating, that doesn’t mean that it’s not right for some. Because most of the standard features are free, it’s true that you can put up a website quickly and easily for just about nothing.

For the person that is just learning about how to build a website and has a lot of time to spend figuring things out on their own, gives you the freedom to experiment and learn as you go, without breaking the bank. All of the freebies make a good platform for the occasional blogger that blogs for the pure fun and enjoyment of it. All in all, it’s not a bad platform to start with.

The reviews suggest that isn’t the best web hosting platform for website owners and builders that are serious about attracting a specific audience or selling products with an online store.

Consumers complain about some of the most important issues that affect their online businesses. A free site doesn’t do you any good if your audience can’t find it or access it. Here’s a snapshot of the pros and cons of using

Review of Pros & Cons


Easy to setup was designed with the beginner blogger and website owner in mind. Their system is easy to install and set up.

Website builder newbies don’t get overwhelmed by complicated technology terms when setting up a basic blog or online store. The control panel guides new users through the process of setting up a new website without confusion.

No fees for most features

There’s a reason that most web hosts have multiple pricing plans. Once you get started building your own website and gain a comfort level with it, you’re likely to want some advanced features. Of course, that is an easy way to get you to upgrade to a plan that offers more and charges more for it.

In some ways, is no different. The basic plan is free and you can upgrade to the Economy or Deluxe plans if you want more than the free plan gives you. Even those plans are highly affordable in comparison with other web hosts. Get the Economy plan for just $5.95 a month or the Deluxe plan for just $14.99 a month.

However, there are other companies (see link below) that offer more feature-rich plans at even more affordable prices.

Anyone can manage an online store lets you set up a shopping cart with ease. While it doesn’t have all the features that allow you to manage large quantities of inventory, it will do the job for the online seller that sells a few products and doesn’t have an overly large customer base.

You get a lot for free

This review proves that you really do get a lot for free. Expect a free setup, free hosting, free images, free photo albums, free music files, and free video hosting. You also get a free blog, free forum setup, and free social and wiki hosting.

Free data and storage perks will transfer your files for free and they won’t limit the size of your files. You’ll also get free bandwidth and storage space. uses cPanel with a multilingual functionality, which is one of the preferred control panels available.

No pesky ads

Competing free web hosts fill your site with annoying ads, floating or static banners, and invasive ad links. frees you from a website that promotes everyone else’s products and services.

If you’re still not sure if a free web host is right for your needs, take a look at this video to learn what to look for in a web host:


Free doesn’t mean totally free

This is the part where we give you the news about what isn’t exactly free. It’s true that you can get a website up and running without cost, if you don’t factor the cost of buying your domain name through That will cost you $12.95 for the year. In the scope of things, it’s not very different from a web host that gives you a free domain name and a low monthly fee.

Website owners that want more in the way of features will fare better under one of their upgraded fee-based plans.

Technical problems

A quick search of web hosting plans quickly reveals the features that most web builders value. They’re looking for fast-loading pages, lots of storage, and strong uptimes. doesn’t fare too well in any of those areas.

You might not gain access to your domain name for days and you can’t transfer it even once you get it. The pages load incredibly slow compared with paid web hosting plans, and the site goes down quite a bit.

Support is slow and inaccessible offers free technical support 24/7, but the response is painstakingly slow. It’s a rare occurrence to get a response right away if you are having a technical problem.

Trouble tickets can be open for days on end without responses. Responses to customer service or billing issues are equally troublesome. Slow response times across the board cause frustration for subscribers.

The Verdict

Overall, gives you a lot of value for a web host where most everything truly is free. It’s a viable option for the hobby blogger or small e-seller, or if you just like getting things for free.

Serious online sellers, bloggers and business owners may fare better with other web hosts.

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