WordPress Tips and Tricks

11 Best WordPress Membership Plugins 2025

Best WordPress membership plugins

Not all membership plugins are created equal. The best ones are packed with features that’ll let you do everything from creating the actual system and managing your members. Other features to look out for include the following: Content dripping for gradually releasing new content to your subscribers.Third-party integrations to email marketing software such as MailChimp.Integrations …

11 Best WordPress Membership Plugins 2025 Read More »

32 Best WordPress Plugins for Blogs: Top WP Blog Plugin Guide

start a blog step 4

I’ve put together a list of 10 of the best WordPress plugins on the WP Plugins Directory to shine some much-deserved light on plugins that are reaching for the top. Each of these bad boys currently has over 1 million active installs, and they’re ready to make a new home on your WordPress blog, too.

In this post, I have put together two lists…

10 most downloaded free plugins (with over 1 million downloads).

My favorite plugins that I personally use.

How to Launch a WordPress Site: Easy Guide for Beginners

How to launch a WordPress site

When it is time to set up a WordPress website, there are few things to keep in mind so that things don’t go south for you in the long run.

So in this article, I’m going to show you how to set up a WordPress website properly, securely, and in less than an hour.

What are Sidebars in WordPress? (How to Create & Edit Them)

Sidebars in WordPress

When I am first teaching people about WordPress, an early questions that usually comes up revolve around a little bit of confusion about the sidebars in WordPress, their function and how to use them.

Well, in this article, I am going to answer the questions “what are sidebars in WordPress?”, “what is a WordPress widget”, and “how you can add widgets to your sidebar?”

Best WordPress Image Optimizer Plugin: Top Compression Options

Best WordPress image optimizer plugin

Most website owners either don’t know about the WordPress image optimizer options available to them, or they ignore the fact that images add to the size of their site because they feel that the visual element images add is important for user engagement.

This is true of course, but the site’s performance suffers.

Thanks to some of these WordPress image optimizer plugins however, you can get the best of both worlds!

Speed Up WordPress: 26 WordPress Optimization Tips

Speed up WordPress

A few weeks ago, I was digging into some WordPress speed/performance resources and ended up going down the rabbit hole of how to speed up WordPress sites.

After reading for what literally days on the subject, I decided to do a case study on speeding up this site.

Long story short, I did it, and if you are after the best fixes then read on…

WordPress Pages vs Posts: What is the Difference Between Them?

Page vs post WordPress

If you are a newbie to WordPress, you may find it confusing to understand the difference between WordPress pages vs post. The basics are that a page and post are both used to create content on WordPress, but…

The difference between a WordPress page vs post is that a page is static and contains your core information such as Home page, About Us page, Contact page, and so on while a post includes information specific to your site’s niche with published dates in chronological order, an author name (usually) and other…

How to Fix a 404 Error in WordPress

How to fix a 404 error

When you were starting your blog, you probably weren’t thinking too much (or at all) about its 404 page.

You were most likely more concerned with designing a beautiful homepage and contact page, and crafting your perfect ‘About Me’ page.

Understandably, the 404 template often gets overlooked.

But, it’s actually really important. Here’s why…

WordPress.com vs WordPress.org: Know the Differences or Suffer!

WordPress.com vs WordPress.org

WordPress.com vs WordPress.org… Is there a difference between the two? Which is better? ​These are some of the most common questions among new bloggers.

There’s a lot of confusion out there about these two platforms with a lot of ​bloggers choosing one when they could’ve better used the other, wasting time and efforts building the site.

Let’s not let that happen to you…

How to use Elementor Theme Builder on WordPress Posts and Pages

How to use Elementor theme builder

No matter if you have only just started to build your blog or you are a veteran – it’s always a good idea to learn about the new tools that could make the process easier, faster and more interesting.

There’s a big set of such instruments in my toolbox, but this time I’d like to tell you about how to use the amazing Elementor Theme Builder.

How to Install WordPress Plugins Manually (FTP or Dashboard)

How to install WordPress plugins

WordPress plugins can help you solve a problem, like protect your blog from hackers and spammers. Plugins can also help you manage your site like adding a calendar, a photo gallery, a video, or slide show. They can perform backups at regular intervals and do a million and one other wonderful things.

Once you learn how to install WP plugins to your blog, you will learn that plugins have infinite possibilities.

You don’t have to install a WordPress plugin on your blog, but you should look at some of them and see if they will help you achieve your blogging goals.

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