Domain Hosts

How to Buy Cheap Domains: 10 Cheapest Domain Name Registrars

cheap domains

When trying to get off the starting blocks with a website, sometimes price and price alone will be your primary concern. In these situations, you’ll want to start shopping around for cheap domain names to keep your costs low.

If you’re just getting into building a website, finding affordable domain names isn’t a walk in the park. There are a virtually unlimited number of services promising the cheapest domains.

This guide will present you with some of the best options, along with tips for what to evaluate when seeking out cheap domains.

Best Domain Extensions 2020: List of Top Extensions to Buy

best domain extention

You have been working tirelessly to get your site up and running. You have a fantastic idea in a great niche and found good hosting. You have generated advanced content, so your site will look full and even learned the best time to publish content.

All that is left is to buy your domain name and get started.

Here are your options when it comes to the best donain extensions for business, blogs, and SEO.

How to Buy a Domain Name: Tips for Buying Blog Domains

How to buy a domain name

I know, I know, buying a domain name is a pretty exciting thing to do, I absolutely love it.

When you are new however, all of the different options can become confusing.

With that in mind, I wrote this article to teach you how to buy a domain name for a website with no mistakes or regrets.

How Much Does a Domain Name Cost Per Year? (& Get One Free)

how much is a domain name

What’s in a name? It could be everything. Shakespeare’s schtick about a rose smelling just as sweet even if it’s called another name, like “stinky”… well… that just plain stinks.

That’s just how it goes on the interwebs. A website’s name is truly a key element.

OK, enough babble, how much is a domain name per year? We intend to answer that, and give you an unexpected surprise!

Best DNS Provider Review: Top 5 DNS Hosting Services 2020

Best DNS provider

If you want to expand your website, a good DNS provider may become your new best friend. DNS (Domain Name Systems) hosts can spread your website across servers in separate locations, optimizing access for you and your clientele.

DNS hosting comes in a variety of packages from a variety of DNS hosting providers. Most charge money, but there are also free DNS hosting services out there.

If you prefer, you can even self-host – but this takes a level of internet savvy that most users won’t attain. Be sure to keep reading to find out who the best DNS providers are, and who is the best for you…

Google Domains Review: What Sets Google Domains Apart?

Google Domains review

By the end of this review, you may realize that Google Domains, while adding a small bit of complexity to your website building efforts, is the best thing you have never heard of. Currently in Beta, this service is not only reasonably priced but offers perks you can’t get anywhere else (for free).

Buying domains from Google, or using Google as your domain registration agent, may be something you choose to do even if you don’t want to build a website. The largest perk of registering a domain through Google Domains is the ability to create new, custom email addresses that integrate fully with Gmail and the rest of the G Suite.

Best Domain Registrars Review: The Top Name Providers 2020

Best domain registrar

What’s in a name? A lot, especially if you’re discussing domain names for your website.

Your choice of domain name can have a huge impact on your success online. You want a name which is memorable, easy-to-find and which won’t be confused with a different business.

Finding the right domain registrar is key. You need to find a domain registration company which offers dependability, useful features, reliable customer service, and a low price.

Not sure which domain registrar to choose? Here’s a complete guide on what to look for as well as five domain registrar reviews you’ll want to read.

Best Domain Hosting Reviews: Choose the Top Domain Host Now!

domain hosting reviews

The domain host you choose will have a tremendous impact on your business. Choose the wrong host and your site could be difficult, if not impossible, for your customers to access at times. Choose the right host and your site will load quickly and always be accessible.

So, how do you find the best domain host?

How to Choose a Domain Name That You Will Love!

How to choose a domain name

For the creative members of our society, thinking of how to choose a domain name before they set up a blog is no big deal. They can dream up the perfect idea for a brand or business and make it look like child’s play.

If you count yourself among this segment of the population, congratulations. If you don’t, let’s see what we can do to help… Review: The Good & Bad You Need to Know! review

Register pricing, while not the cheapest, remains on the reasonable end of the spectrum for new users. Their Essential plan is the cheapest at $5.95 per month. This bare-bones plan comes with dedicated IP, MySQL, and cPanel. And 300 GB of disk space isn’t too bad, either.

On the outside, it all seems pretty good, but find out in our review if there is anything hidden that you might not first be aware of.

NameCheap Domain Review: Pros & Cons You Must Know!

Namecheap review

NameCheap started out as a domain hosting company back in 2000 and it has since built its reputation on providing amazing domain hosting services.

Are they the best, however, or is there a better option out there for you?

What is a Nameserver? (And What YOU Must Know About it!)

What is a nameserver?

Whereas some spell it as ‘name server’ others prefer to use ‘nameserver’. You can use either as both terms refer to the same thing. But what is a name server? Well, think of a phonebook. If you were to give me a phone call, you will need to know my phone number.

More importantly, you’ll want to search it in your phonebook or other places before attempting to guess it. Same thing applies to domain names and the internet as a whole.

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