Best Blogging Books for Beginners to Learn Internet Marketing

As you know if you are signed up for my free blogging course and my “Tuesday Tips” newsletter, I like to pass on the reading material that has helped me to learn everything from how to become a better marketer and blogger, to those that have helped me develop the mindsets to stay financially free as well as live a more prosperous life in general.

OK, so are these really the “best blogging books”? You may think some of these books are totally irrelevant to blogging and internet marketing but I assure you that building out your blogging skills along with a rounded outlook on success, in general, will help you no end.

Feel free to skip over these titles if you want the hardcore marketing related books! 🙂

I will be revisiting this and sorting the books into a more category specific style (with just “blogging books” separated for ease) once the list has built up somewhat, but for now they are lumped in together.


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1. Expert Secrets (Best book for bloggers who know their niche)

The Underground Playbook

By Russel Brunson

If you have got to a fairly decent level of mastery in your chosen niche, this is the book for you.

This fits perfectly within books on blogging as it guides you down the path to doing what actually works best: serving those who need your help by teaching them what you know!

If affiliate marketing is your bag you should definitely pick this free offer up now!

Expert Secrets is the map that will allow you to turn your specialized knowledge, talents and abilities into a business that will work for you! This is one of the shortcuts of the new rich.

2. The Badass Blog Planner

Your guide to defining your purpose, creating clarity, and building a year of killer content

By Sarah Morgan

Let’s put it simply, if you get into any vehicle and just start driving, if you don’t know where you want to go, you will never get there.

So it is with blogging, you MUST have a plan to execute if you want to see maximum success!

You can plug away at random activities and see some success, but if you want your blog (and passive income) to explode, take a look at this book.

Highly recommended for those who want to follow the affiliate marketing path.

3. Internet Business Insights

By Chris Naish & Buck Flogging

This book from our own Chris Naish & Buck Flogging interviews 101 successful internet marketers who tell their tales of success, failure and whatever else they might think useful for those who want to emulate their success. Although these Q&A’s are very valuable and interesting, this isn’t where it holds the most value…

The authors dig deep into the answers from each marketer and pick out the problems, mistakes and tips that came up over and over again to give us 30 lessons to not only follow for marketing, but for life in general.

4. Ultimate Guide to Link Building (great for advanced affiliate marketers)

By Eric Ward & Garrett French

Like it or not, link building is an essential part of helping your website rank for the keywords you have chosen, and this is exactly where this book shines!

Whether you are new to the concept of link building or a seasoned professional, this book should be on your bookshelf.

If you really want to know how bloggers make money more easily, this is one of the biggest secrets.

5. The 4-Hour Chef

Tim Ferriss

While not a marketing book, this is something I found really useful!

For us entrepreneurs, there is a lot to learn and mastering all these skills can seem totally daunting sometimes.

Tim Ferriss shows us how to use rapid learning to help us stuff all this information into our brain faster and more efficiently.

Please don’t mistake this for a simple cookbook, it’s more like the Bible for learning how to learn.

6. DotCom Secrets

Russell Brunson

If you are interested in split testing what is on your site to try to squeeze out the best ROI possible then DotCom Secrets will be a great read for you.

Russell takes you through everything from choosing the correct customer to target, to putting them through buyer sequences.

This is a great read for all bloggers, but if you plan on doing any kind of eCommerce work this is doubly important to you.

7. Atomic Habits

James Clear

As a blogger or internet marketer, you HAVE to start developing good habits and rid yourself of bad habits.

The writing habit, springs to mind for us bloggers of course, but there are many other skills to develop such as lifelong learning (is this also your excuse to start the reading habit?)

The book description does a far better explanation of describing what you will learn than I could, so I’ll leave you with this…

Clear is known for his ability to distill complex topics into simple behaviors that can be easily applied to daily life and work. Here, he draws on the most proven ideas from biology, psychology, and neuroscience to create an easy-to-understand guide for making good habits inevitable and bad habits impossible.

8. The Millionaire Next Door

Thomas J. Stanly Ph.d & William D. Danko Ph.D

I had a complaint about this book being on the list of blogger books because the person didn’t want to learn about rich people. I believe this is flawed thinking!

Studying the way rich people think about business and life in general is a great way to learn the correct mindsets to build in yourself. If you don’t know the correct thought processes, how can you go about building them for yourself?

This book literally spells out the difference between those who are REALLY wealthy, and those who look like they are, but really have nothing behind their sheen of flashy over consumption habits.

9. The CopyWriters Handbook

Robert W. Bly

You might think that blogging doesn’t involve copywriting, but you would be dead wrong.

As bloggers, we are constantly trying to sell not only products to our readers, but ourselves.

The smallest things such as trying to convince somebody to share your content on social media is in essence writing copy so this is definitely one of the skills you need to develop sooner rather than later.

10. The Magic of Thinking Big

David J. Schwartz Ph.D

Don’t let the published date of this book put you off, this is an old classic that is worth its weight in gold.

Is it important to have incredible talent to succeed in anything? It certainly helps, but a bigger factor is actually thinking big!

If you don’t set bigger goals, then you will never reach them, and it’s often just as easy to achieve something big as it is to set your sights on something smaller.

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11. Blogging All-in-One For Dummies (best value for money)

Susan Gunelius

This is an absolutely huge book, but don’t let that put you off because it’s actually 8 books in one!

The reason I recommend this is because it is useful for bloggers at any stage of their journey.

It’s also useful for those who want to start a blog to make money via affiliate marketing, or blog for their business to draw in prospects.

The section on blogging tools will also keep your shiny object syndrome busy for a while! 🙂

12. UltraLearning

Scott Young

Blogging and/or internet marketing has a lot of different areas you have to master, and if you want to pick up those skills quickly then “ultralearning” is essential.

This Wall Street journal bestseller will show you exactly how to do that in the most effective ways known to us today.

The blurb on the cover says “Master hard skills, outsmart the competition, and accelerate your career” which are things that all of us should be trying to do on an ongoing basis. And trust me… it delivers!

13. Make Money From Blogging: How To Start A Blog While Raising A Family

Sally Miller & Lisa Tanner

Are you a stay at home parent who wants to earn a little on the side (or even out-earn your better half 😉 )?

Then this book give a great grounding into how to get started with your blogging career without breaking the bank at the outset. Inside you’ll learn…

  • How to pick a blog niche that is profitable and exciting.
  • How to set up your blog for less than $100 (even if you have no technical skills).
  • How to create content you and your readers love and WANT to share on social media.
  • Six proven monetization strategies to earn money from your blog.
  • How to promote your blog like a pro (in less than an hour a day).

14. Lifestyle blogging basics

Laura Lynn

This is a really great book for new bloggers because it not only covers what’s working but the author also goes into the struggles and mistakes she made along the way.

Knowing the mistakes to avoid is just as valuable as knowing the correct things to do sometimes!

It covers a ton of different aspects of blogging that every newbie who wants to generate income should be aware of, and integrate into their daily routine and workflow.

15. Serve no Master

Johnathan Green

Johnathan Green (author of this book) is a lifestyle design expert, entrepreneur and digital nomad.

As the book description lets you know, he was formerly a prisoner of poverty, debt, and office politics and felt he was going nowhere.

If the above sounds like a description of where you are now and you want to step out of that life, this book is a system designed to smash the chains and give you a better financial outlook and more free time to do what you love.

Darn, I love smashing the chains! 😉

16. How to Write Great Blog Posts that Engage Readers

Steve Scott

You might have heard of Steve Scott as being one of the most prolific authors on Amazon perhaps?

Well before he did that, he was a prolific blogger too, and he knew what he was doing!

Not all of his books are blogging books, but this particular one is. Scott centers it around creating content that engages readers AND shows up in search, all while building your online blogging business at the same time.

Know of any other great books for bloggers or Affiliate Marketing?

We are always looking to lean more here at SBO. If you know about any other great books for bloggers, or any in general that can help with personal development, let us know in the comments!

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