Components of a Blog Post (4 Major Parts You Must Not Ignore!)

For some of us, writing is something that we feel we absolutely must do regularly. Dealing with the components of a blog post is an excellent way of stretching your creative muscles, of expressing yourself, and of engaging with the world around you in new ways.

Even if you haven’t been bitten by the writing bug, it is never too late to discover the joys of writing, mastering the different parts of a blog, and sharing your knowledge.

Blogging gives ordinary people the platform and the opportunity to connect with other people from around the world. Blogs can be used to promote causes, to promote their author, or as a way of bringing together people who share an interest. But just because anyone can start a blog, it doesn’t mean that blogging is easy.

Many people who would otherwise make excellent bloggers, stumble and falter because they don’t take the time beforehand to prepare and to consider each step that they take properly. Inadequate planning is one of the most common reasons for bloggers to become disheartened and give up on their blogging venture.

The following tips will help you to launch your blog the right way, so that it can grow and thrive, rather than withering into obscurity.

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Components of a blog post

1. Know your subject

This might sound like an obvious point, but you would be surprised how many bloggers start their blogs with only a minimal understanding of the subject they are covering. Of course, the reason that new bloggers do this is because they feel genuinely passionate about the subject in question. In any creative field, it is important to know when your personal feelings and desires are getting in the way of objective thinking.

Before you start your blog properly, you should spend some time practicing writing articles on your chosen subject. These articles can take any form you want and cover any subject relevant to your blog. Doing this will not only help you to familiarize yourself with your subject matter, but it will also give you a way to practice your writing skills.

2. Know your audience

This is just as important as knowing your subject. The better you understand the audience you are writing for, the more you can adapt and tailor your work to ensure it is suitable. The audience you write for will depend entirely upon the subjects that your blog covers. Note that the age you decide to pitch to will depend on more than just the subject matter of your blog alone.

Different blog writers who cover the same subject matter may still pitch their work to different demographics. You should write for the audience that you think you will resonate the most with. In most cases, this means writing for an audience of people like yourself. Writing with this in mind is a good habit to get into, as it will encourage you to consider what you write and whether it’s suitable for the target audience.

3. Marketing madness

Having a blog online is something that anyone can do. Those who are truly serious about the endeavor will look after their blogs and keep them updated. But it doesn’t matter how good your blog content is if no one can find it! You will get out of your marketing efforts what you are willing and able to put in. With the right marketing strategy, you can get your blog seen by thousands, perhaps even millions, of people.

Most bloggers, understandably, aren’t coming into it with a background in marketing, and they should make the most of their blogging and IT skills in order to create an effective marketing strategy.

Writing a regular, engaging email newsletter, for example, will suit many bloggers’ strengths, and help them increase the reach of their blog. Obviously, this solution will only be effective if you are able to produce a good quality newsletter that can be seen easily by users – if it’s not as useful as you thought, maybe you should contact a marketing consultant to work out where the weaknesses lie in your marketing plan.

You also need to pay some attention to SEO, especially if you want to maximize the potential of your blog. Search engine optimization (SEO) determines how prominently your site is listed in search results rankings. The more niche a term is, the easier it is to build a high SEO score for it.

For example, ‘lead scoring’ is a more specific search term than ‘manufacturing processes’. If your blog covers these topics, it will be easier to stand out in results for the former search term.

4. Don’t overcomplicate things

When you are writing about a subject that you are passionate and knowledgeable about, it is often easy to get lost in the writing and to end up going off track. It will take some practice, but as long as you remain mindful of it, you will soon find that you are naturally writing in a clearer and more concise manner.

Starting a blog can be a wonderful experience, but it does require hard work on your part. If you want your blog to become a potential source of income, you will need to work hard at building out its audience. The more effort you put in, the more traffic you will attract.

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