Differences in Essay vs Article & Blog Writing for Freelancers

More and more young people decide to move their workplace from the real world to the Internet environment. The idea of making money on the WWW is very attractive.

Content writing, blogging, and freelance essay writing have become the most popular jobs on the Internet. However, very few people understand the difference between these activities.

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Essay vs article: what’s the difference?

When some people hear the term ‘blogging’, they imagine a website containing numerous essays in chronological order, but it’s not quite that simple of course.

Every activity has its specific characteristic features, so let’s take a look at the difference in article vs essay writing when it comes to you as a freelancer.

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What is blog article writing?

A blog is an informational website that contains posts in the chronological order. The main idea of blogging is to discuss something or share one’s opinion about the specific topic.

Bloggers are the people who create and develop blogs on the Internet. They make a website about a particular subject or group of problems and present their points of view about them. There are also blogs that simply inform readers about the development of a definite problem.

Some bloggers write poems and short stories demonstrating their writing skills to the audience. There are commercial blogs that advertise brands and products of some companies and corporations. In brief, there are blogs about everything one can imagine. If you are interested in automobiles, you will find thousands of blogs that touch upon this problem.

When you enjoy sewing or cooking, you will find even more blogs about these issues. There is hardly a subject that does not have its blog. The main feature of blogging is the periodical creation of the post. Some bloggers create new posts every day. Others prefer making them once a week or two weeks. If a blog functions regularly and has its stable audience, the readers know when the fresh content can be expected.

Commercial and non-commercial blogs

Most often, blogs are non-commercial. Many people just share their experience and knowledge with their readers. Some bloggers post texts and videos about their journeys, hobbies or interests. Others just enjoy being in the spotlight and show their photos, paintings, sculptures, jewelry, cars or clothes.

Many people use blogs as personal diaries. They write about their everyday life and everyday events and problems. Thousands of bloggers tell the audience about their pets. As you see, non-commercial blogging is a specific hobby that helps people say something to the Internet community, gain fame and kill time.

Commercial blogs are completely different. The foremost purpose of commercial blogging is making money. Nearly every successful company has its own blog that advertises its goods and services. They inform the audience about sales, special offers, and brand new products. Such blogs advertise products in a specific and non-personal way. They attract public attention with high-quality content, photos, and videos.

Doubtless, every blog is developed by a solid team of writers, marketers, and designers who make simple but accurate texts and superb photos. There are also independent bloggers who advertise various goods and services and receive money from different companies for this voluntary promotion.

Style of blogging

When one writes blogs, there are only two options of their style. One can write informally if he discusses everyday and trivial topics. When one is involved in social media or writes about official and considerable subjects, his style should be normally formal.

What is freelance essay writing?

Freelance essay writing is the act of creation of customized essays for money. There are plenty of websites that offer assistance with academic essay writing online. They help students cope with complicated high school, college and university papers. Apparently, students visit such a website and increase its rate among other websites that offer similar services. It is possible to become a part of a custom essay writing company and write essays for students. Of course, you ought to be good at academic writing if you want to succeed in this job. Furthermore, freelancers are expected to be good at different disciplines. When a student needs help with the books of Jack London, you should know how to analyze these books perfectly.

Another day you might have to prepare an essay about the art of Rembrandt. Consequently, freelance essay writing is the best option for multitasking and creative people. If you enjoy learning something new about different fields of academic studies, this job is for you. When your knowledge is limited strictly to language or biology, it will be difficult to cope with an essay on physics or marketing. The client’s mark depends on your professionalism and skill. What is more, the company’s prestige depends on your talents too. If you fail your order, your company loses a customer. In the end, you lose your job as a writer.

There are a lot of websites that offer job for freelance essay writers. If you do not want to work for a writing company, you can look for clients yourself. Register on such websites as Squidoo, HubPages, Triond or Epinions, – and write essays or articles on different topics. Bear in mind that the quality of your essays should be very high if you want to be rewarded for your work.

Both blogging and freelance essay writing are solid opportunities for self-development and making money. If you are a strong writer, you can try to start a blog or sell your authentic essays to students or websites.

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