Wealthy Affiliate Review 2020: Worth it or Just Outdated?

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Even though Wealthy Affiliate is still a popular talking point, it was created back in 2005. A lot of the advice on affiliate marketing has changed since then, so it’ll be interesting to see if the founders — Kyle Loudoun and Carson Lim — have been able to keep up with the times.

My aim is to lift the lid on this popular membership program through my Wealthy Affiliate review. I go deep into the training areas and see whether it’s suited to you or if you should go with one of the competitors, such as The Authority Site System.

So, what is Wealthy Affiliate?

You’ll find out soon enough…

…but what I can say is that WealthyAffiliate.com is definitely geared towards newbies, and the free trial is worth signing up for just to get a feel of what’s on offer.

Even so, does it deserve the huge amount of positive reviews that are out there and is Wealthy Affiliate worth it?

I’ll let you be the judge…

Wealthy Affiliate is an all-encompassing service aimed at the beginner affiliate marketer. It does this by holding your hand from start to finish on affiliate marketing 101, beginning with the basics of the industry, heading through choosing a niche and getting your site set up.

My Wealthy Affiliate review 2020

Wealthy Affiliate review

Many Wealthy Affiliate reviews will tell you that it’s incredible and you should sign up immediately. While this is true generally and there are great benefits for beginners — such as you can get a couple of sites up and running for free — we have a more beneficial option for experienced marketers…

Authority Hacker!

If you are a real beginner however, read on because Wealthy Affiliate might be just what you are looking for!

There are some things you need to be aware of with Wealthy Affiliate, though.

One of these is that some “marketers” promote Wealthy Affiliate as the best thing since tofu…

OK, so you don’t like tofu, but my point is that WA isn’t by any means flawless, but then, nothing is.

What Wealthy Affiliate does do is take you on a journey to enhance a wide range of skills and gives you the opportunity to get your first affiliate website up and running.

That’s exciting, right?

If you aren’t excited yet, go and give me 50 jumping jacks to get the blood pumping and then come back. When you’re ready, join me as we delve into everything there is to know about Wealthy Affiliate.

Wealthy Affiliate University review

As you’ll see from the detail I go into, this Wealthy Affiliate University review explains how newbie affiliate marketers can benefit from the detailed training on offer to get their first site up and running.

How best to do this?

It starts with the free trial.

Wealthy Affiliate is free

Right now, you can join the program for free with no risk and no need to register your credit card. That’s a huge bonus in my book. There are piles (ew!) of programs out there that force your hand to register a form of payment and sting you when your free trial runs out.

And even then, getting your money back is either impossible or a major pain.

Registering a free account with Wealthy Affiliate is easy. All you need to do is provide them with the following info:

  1. Email address
  2. Name
  3. Username
  4. Password

You’re then immediately thrown into the training by “Kyle,” who is actually one of the co-founders.

Memories of Tom from MySpace have been triggered!

Once you go through a small and helpful tutorial, you’re thrown into the Wealthy Affiliate membership area, and HOLY CRAP it looks confusing!!

Deep breaths and don’t get overwhelmed — you only need to go through the training to start off with, which you’re immediately led toward.

First impressions are good, though, and the site seems well-structured. One major gripe I for this review is that a lot of the training seems to be text-based. Now, I believe that WA was created way before vlogging and other video-related marketing was so huge, but if you’re like me and learn by watching and doing, you may find the walls of text a tough hurdle to get over.

Give it time, and work your way through the two main training areas of:

  1. Online Entrepreneur Certification
  2. Affiliate Bootcamp

Both of these have a Level 1 “Getting Started” section with 27 and 30 tasks in them respectively — these are included in the free membership and I’ll cover the majority of them in the rest of this review.

I personally found getting through the text to find the next lesson seriously difficult, as you can see in this image:

Wealthy Affiliate's lesson navigation

There’s definitely some work to be done on making the training more user-friendly. Even so, working your way through the Level 1 Online Entrepreneur Certification training, guides you through:

  1. Setting up your profile — yawn! Just get to the good stuff, already…
  2. Understanding how to make money online
  3. Choosing a niche — which can be the biggest stumbling block for many newbies
  4. Building and setting up your site
  5. Making sure your sites are search-engine ready
  6. Creating your content

That’s actually a decent amount, and it’s a similar process for the Affiliate Bootcamp, which takes you on a different journey on how to promote Wealthy Affiliate reviews

And that’s where the freebie stuff ends…

…and you only get 7 days…

So, if you already have a full-time job and spend your days chasing your kids up soft-play slides like I do, those 7 days fly by.

You’ll see a countdown banner at the top of your freebie dashboard, sending you into a tailspin that you only have x amount of days and seconds left on Earth until you’ll no longer be able to save $30 month on your first of Wealthy Affiliate.

This is obviously a marketing tool to get you to sign up. I mean, come on… seriously? People still use those marketing tactics? And they work?

The good news about grabbing the Premium subscription is that it immediately opens the rest of the training to you.

If you did want to stick with the free membership, not only do you miss out on most of the affiliate marketing training, but you’re also limited to 2 free websites using .siterubix.com.

What I found frustrating here was that the training tells you that you can easily move your siterubix.com sites over to your registered domain really easily, but why not give the customer that option in the first place?

In addition, SiteRubix isn’t always thought of as a top player in the free domain space, not when you have the likes of WordPress, Squarespace and Wix dominating so well.

As you can see, there are some definite benefits to the free trial, but Premium is where the fun happens.

Premium Wealthy Affiliate training review

In theory, you could have your first affiliate site up within the 7 days of the free trial. There’s nothing groundbreaking in the initial training, but it’s a good starter for 10.

On the other hand, the Premium Wealthy Affiliate membership launches you into other areas of affiliate marketing:

  1. Generating traffic
  2. Making money
  3. Social engagement
  4. Mastering content creation

I agree, these are all fundamentals of affiliate marketing, and even blogging in general. However, I was disappointed to see a focus on content creation being at the end of the training.

Being a content creator myself, I know how incredibly powerful content is. You could put hours into your blog with awesome plugins, visuals and a kick-ass niche, but if the content’s terrible, you aren’t going rank well, your traffic will be choked and you won’t convert that traffic.

Let’s just see what level of detail these wealthy affiliate training sessions go into.

Level 2: generating traffic through your Wealthy Affiliate site

WA claims this is what you’ll learn in the Level 2 training:

  1. Grabbing your own domain
  2. Moving your siterubix.com website over to your own domain
  3. The importance of keyword-rich content
  4. Setting up a domain-specific email address
  5. Breaking down traffic
  6. How to use visuals
  7. Using low-hanging fruit
  8. The importance of posting as YOU
  9. The power of productivity

This isn’t underhanded of them, but I dislike how the training goes into why buying your own domain is so much better for ranking that using a free domain. Why not recommend this in the free trial?

We all know that money generates money, and so buying a domain is an investment that, in the grand scheme of the affiliate marketing world, is relatively cheap. This is even more so when you consider that you get hosting included with your Wealthy Affiliate membership.

I admire that the program has provided a detailed walkthrough of transferring your site from Siterubix to your own domain. Like I said earlier, though, this could be avoided in the first instance.

With regards to the keyword-rich content section, the video is nothing ground-breaking and is actually filled with information that you can get for free all over the web. That being said, Kyle does emphasize the focus on relevance and authority, which are both super important points when it comes to the relationship between keywords and content.

I particularly like that guidance is on writing content naturally rather than focusing on the keywords. This really resonates with me, and I’m really pleased it has a strong mention. Even so, you should look to go back and tweak content for LSI and keyword variation inclusion.

While using the back-end of the site builder, you can set certain goals in terms of word count, paragraphs and headings.
I’m not convinced that the number of paragraphs and headings are relevant at all, but the word count definitely is. The training does mention you should aim for at least 1,000 words per article as a beginner, with a mention that this could be more or less, which depends on your competition and the subject. Either way, the interface does feel user-friendly and is nice and visual.

The section on breaking down traffic is mainly delivered via a 9-minute video and goes into blending content creation, the personal touch and keyword research. I love that there’s a focus on the personal aspect since I believe this is how all content should be written.

Content doesn’t have to be scary, especially if you’re creating a site based on an interest of yours. This message is delivered well by them, and it comes across well that you should only look to get the keyword in the article title and the first couple of paragraphs, with the rest of the content just being written completely organically.

Organic writing definitely works, but there’s no guarantee that you’ll optimize for SEO and rank well in the SERPs.

What bugs me a wee bit is that there’s a focus on using Jaaxy throughout the keyword tutorials, especially since Jaaxy isn’t a part of your membership.

There are many free keyword research tools that you can combine together to avoid overpriced keyword analysis memberships. Both of these have free options, which you can combine together well:

  • Answer The Public
  • SEMRush

There’s also a level of irony kicking around the important use of visuals, considering how wall-of-text-like the training section is. Humans are majorly influenced by visuals, and we gravitate to them much more than we do to text — the training video does well to show you how to find and add images to your posts.

Again, there’s more use of Jaaxy when talking about low-hanging fruit. The concept here is relevant but I don’t feel it needs to have its own section. There should be more of a module going into massive detail about keyword clusters for related articles and the keywords that you should use on each post besides your primary keyword.

It’s good to see that there’s some training on productivity. I talk about how to level-up your productivity in my blogging skills post, and the same rhythm is being drummed over at Wealthy Affiliate:

Set goals.

Eat that frog.

And don’t multitask.

Even so, this training module would serve better at the beginning of the entire training in my eyes since I bet a lot of newbies would’ve wasted plenty of time by this stage already.

At the end of the level 2 training, you’re told you’ve learned how to optimize your website for SEO. I wouldn’t say that the training here is detailed enough to do this. In fact, there are some SEO basics that are missing from the training, such as how to win featured snippets.

Despite this, the SEO training that is given is decent enough to get you up and running.

Also, there’s a running theme of promoting your sites and new posts within the Wealthy Affiliate community — personally, I find this a waste of resources. If you want to make a serious go of affiliate marketing, posting in the community is NOT a low-hanging fruit.

Level 3: making money

Now we’re onto the good stuff…

Again, I feel like a lot of the content in these modules should be somewhere more accessible early on. Remember, Wealthy Affiliate is seen as a hold-your-hand style of affiliate website creation, so some up-front information on the different ways to monetize your website would be useful.

These are the specific areas this section will take you through:

  1. Learning how affiliate marketing works
  2. Finding related affiliate programs and products to review
  3. How to add affiliate links to your site
  4. Amazon affiliation
  5. Using product reviews to your advantage
  6. Google AdSense
  7. Whether to choose affiliation or advert revenue
  8. How to capture data

This is an important section in the affiliate marketing world, and one close to my heart.

There was a stage once where all I did was focus on money.

The result? No money.

Once I focused on creating authority and solving a problem, the traffic and money came.

Wealthy Affiliate sends a powerful message along these lines in this training section. There isn’t a lot of information in here that you can’t get for free, but I still like that they portray the use of helping and educating.

Remember, the idea of you creating your own blog is two-fold:

  1. To fulfill your need
  2. To fulfill your traffic’s need

Making money is the by-product of producing value-added and relevant information. It just happens to be a big by-product.

Level 4: social engagement

Quite often, this is an aspect of marketing that many ignore.


They just want passive traffic. They want to set up their monetized blog, let the traffic roll in and sip on pina coladas on the beach.

Wake up, buttercup! It doesn’t work like that.

Social media and all things socially-related are MASSIVE, and the following training modules do a decent effort of taking you through this:

  1. Setting up Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest
  2. Engaging with your audience through the comments section
  3. Using Facebook correctly
  4. The power of Pinterest
  5. How to use Twitter for your site
  6. Posting within WA
  7. Branding
  8. Socially engaging within the WA program
  9. General social media advice

I feel that the team at Wealthy Affiliate has missed a MAJOR point here with YouTube. YouTube is monstrous for generating traffic to your website. How often do you see YouTube videos at the top of the SERPs? It’s an excellent way to showcase something to do with your niche and to drive traffic to your site.

The team does showcase this somewhat further on in the training, but you need to subscribe as a Premium member to see that.

Also, there’s no mention of Instagram.

Umm, hello?

Despite this, there’s some really good information in this section. It’s probably out there for free in different locations, but having it condensed into one entire section is really helpful.

What they haven’t mentioned is how using something like Hootsuite can up your productivity game by having all your social media posts scheduled in advance. So, when you’ve created a new post on your WA website, you can add it to your schedule rather than doing the manual thing.

Level 5: content creation

While content is super important, it’s only super important when used well with the other aspects of a successful website.

Don’t look into joining Wealthy Affiliate with the expectation of being able to just follow some training videos, clicking some buttons, opening your wallet a bit and, WHAMMO, the traffic comes flooding in and the $$$’s flow.

You’re going to need to understand how content works.

Does Wealthy Affiliate achieve this?

Here are the modules in this section:

  1. An overview of why content is written
  2. Setting up Google Webmaster tools
  3. How to get indexed faster
  4. Improving the readability of your content
  5. Realistic traffic expectations
  6. Writing with a structure in mind
  7. Writing with conversion intent
  8. Don’t forget Bing and Yahoo
  9. Long term content goals

Why are they talking about content here instead of earlier?

If you’ve followed through the training and tasks thus far, you would’ve already written at least 2 articles on your website.

The good news is, you can always go back and tweak your content at any time.

Forcing a faster indexing is an old hat tactic to me — and I know many experts agree. The search engines’ spiders will find your pages eventually. Even so, creating the Google XML Sitemap still works… apparently! If you did need to index quickly, say for seasonal purposes, then that can be done via the GSC — Google Search Console.

I like the focus on traffic expectations. This is where many wannabe affiliate marketers fall down since they seem to have way too high an expectation of their traffic.

The traffic scenario that’s painted in the traffic module is too generic. Sure, it’s achievable, but what they don’t mention is that the numbers used depend on competition, for starters.

If you set off in the health & wellness sphere, you’re going to really struggle if you use too broad a keyword. Even so, there are some massive authority sites out there with huge DA ratings and out-of-this-world amounts of backlinks.

The section in Yahoo and Bing has torn me, and not in a painful way. Going by the low-hanging fruit ethos, you wouldn’t bother with anything to do with these two but would focus on getting that targeted content out there.

Ever heard of Pareto? This would also steer you away from anything to do with Yahoo and Bing. If you have time, sure, analyze your rankings on these two and look to improve your rankings there, but not at the detriment to anything you’re doing with Google.

Ufff, more mention of content goals over the long-term. This should really be earlier on in the training. The advice is sound, though.

Failing to plan is planning to fail

Oh, and there’s another mention of Jaaxy, by the way :p

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Starting From


Affiliate Bootcamp Training

The Affiliate Bootcamp Training module is devoted to how to promote Wealthy Affiliate, which is good to see (but I also bet it has resulted in just about every positive review Wealthy Affiliate has).

They could’ve easily left you with a, “Here’s your affiliate link. Go ahead and promote it.” Instead, there are seven different phases to go through; the first of which is covered in the free trial.

The seven phases are:

  1. Getting your WA business rolling
  2. Converting traffic, keywords and content
  3. Making your site more engaging
  4. The power of media and design
  5. Referrals and your audience
  6. PPC and other search engines
  7. Scaling PPC campaigns

Scanning through these modules, I found a lot of repeat information.

If you have some knowledge about blogging, affiliate marketing and/or creating content, you know that the basic principles are the same, no matter if you’re promoting a product or a service.

So why a detailed section on promoting Wealthy Affiliate?

Duh, money! By paying you to promote their services, they get more customers. Simple!

Let’s see how these phases pan out and whether you can apply them to you.

Phase 1: getting your Wealthy Affiliate business rolling

This takes you through the Wealthy Affiliate affiliate program dashboard to take the overwhelming glare of buttons and colors away from you.

Cool, that’s helpful.

But, and this is where peeps start to salivate…

It also details the commission structure. As of January 2020 — Happy New Year! — the affiliate structure is:

For starter members:

Sign-Up Method Your Commission Percentage
Initial $19 offer
$11.25 each month
$54 every 6 months
$87.50 each year

If you’re half-way decent at math — I’m not, because I used to be an Accountant — you’ll notice that you’ll earn more by affiliates signing up for the $49 per month package rather than paying for a year up-front. $135 per year for you per member versus $87.50 per year.

It doesn’t make financial sense for them — unless they have a cashflow issue — but it means more money for you.

This doesn’t mean you should push that, of course, so this is an interesting one on Wealthy Affiliates’s part.

I wonder if they’ve actually noticed?

For premium members:

There are some rather sweet deals for premium members, on top of these better commission rates:

Sign-Up Method Your Commission Percentage
Initial $19 offer
$23.5 each month
$108 every 6 months
$175 each year
Double the commission for premium members is pretty decent, and those are some high returns. Additional perks are:
Purchase Your Commission
Account setup
Domain purchase
$1 recurring

Wealthy Affiliate promotes their customers to sign up for the Premium package well by integrating you into their community and making you feel part of it.

Going by the engagement I’ve seen across the forums, this is pretty darn high! It’s clever on the company’s part, too, as every time you post, you’re giving them internet juice and authority.

The rest of this phase is pretty much a repeat from the other training area. While there are some nuance changes, it’s pretty much a carbon copy.

Phase 2: converting traffic, keywords and content

More repeated information in here with an angle taken toward the specifics of promoting WA instead of a third-party product or program.

The different lessons in this phase are as follows:

  1. Readable content that converts
  2. Using affiliate links
  3. Keywords and selling
  4. Reviews and targeted keywords
  5. Take a break…
  6. Backing up your site
  7. Enhancing your site
  8. Internal linking
  9. Writing and sharing a review
  10. Offering bonuses

Much of the above, up until lesson 7 is sorting out the bells and whistles of your site. We already know about readability and content; however, to WA’s credit, if the reader has jumped into promoting WA instead of creating their own niche site, they would still need to know this bit.

I’ll let the management team off on that one, but the guided information is still important for each of the lessons. For example, they discuss some useful plugins and how to tart up your menu bars and dropdowns.

The biggest takeaway for me in this phase is on internal linking, to the point where I’m surprised they haven’t had such a large focus on it in the other training.

Internal linking adds value and helps to show the search engines the structure to your site. Why wouldn’t you suggest a viewer to read your latest post on a related topic if you feel it’s going to interest them?

One thing that you’ll likely see mixed comments about is following the same structure for writing reviews. I like the consistency of doing this.

But I’m a bit of a structure freak — don’t hate me for it. If you’re going through a site and comparing different products or services, having the same structure means you can easily scan through the different reviews more quickly.

This gives you a better idea of which to go for, rather than trying to find the TL;DR each time.

OK, well done. It’s break time now.

Thanks to the lovely team at Wealthy Affiliate, you now get 10 days off from doing nothing to your blog. 10 days of no content creation, no movement toward your goals or creating passive income and becoming financially free.

10 DAYS??? What are they thinking?

My advice? Keep pushing.

You could even write your own Wealthy Affiliate unbiased review during that time.

Phase 3: making your site more engaging and adding social value

Folks, I’ve finally found the missing link to Jaaxy! Wait for it, it’s coming…

These are the lessons in this module, most of which are covered in the other training section:

  1. Social media plugins
  2. Making your profiles brand-friendly
  3. Creating socially engaging content
  4. Productivity
  5. Breaking from social media
  6. Power writing
  7. Google Analytics
  8. Jaaxy affiliate program — here it is!!!
  9. Using your sidebar
  10. Keep building

I like the section on power writing since it’s something many of us can benefit from.

The pretense is around setting a timer for 30 minutes and then writing your butt off.

No breaks.

No social media.

Just write.

I bet you’ll see a boost in your productivity and confidence. This is a good lesson.

Something I’d prefer with WA, though, is that they would’ve been more up-front about Jaaxy and its affiliation way earlier on in any of the training sessions. With that being said, you can earn the following with the Jaaxy affiliate program:

Sign-Up Method Your Commission Percentage
$8 each month
$80 per year

Phase 4: the power of media and design

This section is all about the promotion of images and videos for your site, to engage your viewers and help convert them into making a purchasing decision.

It’s a really useful phase, and I know that many marketers don’t focus enough on high-quality imagery and other media.

The lessons here are:

  1. Website design basics
  2. The power of imagery
  3. Using WA videos
  4. Creating your own images
  5. Another break — sigh
  6. Creating a Jaaxy review — OMG!
  7. Research Jaaxy keywords
  8. Pinterest power
  9. Making your own videos
  10. Customer perspective

When you unfold it, it’s actually a mixed bag of media and other areas.

Maybe the team were struggling to fill this section out? I mean, throwing Jaaxy in there again?

It doesn’t even talk about the relationship with images and I found much of this section to be too self-promotional.

I think this is what a lot of people infer when they write their Wealthy Affiliate review. There’s lots of tie-ins rather than a focus on you, which I know can be frustrating.

On another note, they fail to mention the use of third-party design outsourcing. If you’ve read my blogging skills post, I talk about outsourcing areas that aren’t your expertise to free up your time and resources. You can even head somewhere like UpWork, Freelancer or Fiverr and hire a kick-ass freelancer.

Phase 5: referrals and your audience

By this stage, I felt like I was wading through mud. The walls of text and repeated information were getting to me.

I did blitz through it, though. Maybe I should’ve taken that 10-day break? Hmph

This lesson is all about understanding your audience and converting them to become a referral:

  1. Intentional content
  2. Converting comments
  3. Using videos for conversion
  4. YouTube
  5. Another break
  6. Custom sign-up forms
  7. Following up
  8. Custom video sign-ups
  9. Creating a 6-week plan

Why is the 6-week plan at the end? It’s useful information, but this is the kind of thing that needs to be at the beginning!

What’s really gotten my back up, though, is dated content:

2013? That’s really poor, in my view. I get that they’ve got a huge site to update, but keeping their training section current should be prioritized.

They’re lucky that the advice is still relevant, but a lot has changed in nearly a decade. YouTube is even more of a powerhouse than it was back then.

This doesn’t sing authority to me from the Wealthy Affiliate team.

The rest of this phase does feel a bit lackluster and it’s heavily focused on promoting Wealthy Affiliate. Even so, I like the inclusion of following-up — this is one of the most powerful ways to engage with your traffic, no matter if it’s in the comments section or through your social media or YouTube video creation.

Phase 6: PPC and other search engines

PPC — pay per click — used to be a massive way of getting traffic and converting affiliate customers. Hell, I even joined a PPC academy back in the day, with promises of lots of money, a yacht, a castle with a moat, and so on…

Wealthy Affiliate seems to like promoting PPC with Yahoo and Bing but they’ve left out Google’s own PPC program Ads — what you might remember to be AdWords


In their own words:

Google is far more difficult to work with than other search engines.

Is it, though? That’s for you to decide, not them. You’re immediately removing a reported 87.96% of internet traffic by not using Google Ads.

With this in mind, I’ll leave this section up to you, but I took it all with a pinch of salt, even though they do have some good advice on how to use PPC campaigns:

  1. Introduction to PPC on Bing
  2. Bing & Yahoo SEO
  3. Paying for traffic
  4. Your first campaign
  5. Ad groups
  6. Conversion tracking
  7. Hidden PPC landing pages
  8. Keyword creativity
  9. Refining campaigns and planning

Phase 7: scaling PPC campaigns

Thanks for sticking with me through this Wealthy Affiliate review. We’re nearly at the end, I promise.

I was hoping for a strong finish here, but we’re faced with Wealthy Affiliate going back on its advice in the previous module regarding not using PPC with Google because it’s too hard. Despite this, the first lesson in this phase talks about setting up your Google AdSense account.


That’s really poor in my eyes. And, on top of that, they also refer to Google Ads as “AdWords” still. This change happened on July 24th, 2018, so coming up to 2 years ago as I write this review.

Honestly, this made me skim the rest of this phase because I’d lost a little bit of respect.

The final lessons are:

  1. Creating your Google Ads account
  2. The Ads opportunity
  3. PPC and review pages
  4. Analysis
  5. Relevance
  6. Doubling down on PPC
  7. Direct linking
  8. PPC business model
  9. Concise pages and PPC
  10. Scalable PPC campaigns

That’s all, folks!

Wealthy Affiliate Community

The Wealthy Affiliate community is one of the big plus points to the program’s membership. Throughout the training, you’re encouraged to post and share your articles and sites with the other members.

At first, I thought this was solely to generate some momentum and encouragement for other WA members. But, then I got thinking…

By doing that, you’re also helping WealthyAffiliate.com get more traffic and rankings in Google — clever! At some point, though, the constant pitting out of content is going to get repetitive, which may do them some harm.

Even so, there are some amazing community members to interact with, and you’ll find that if you have any questions on a certain training module, it’s the community that replies rather than any of the staff.

Watch out for the internal ranking system, though… this, to a small point, can breed elitism and cliques in the community.

Wealthy Affiliate pros and cons

No trustworthy Wealthy Affiliate review is complete without the good ol’ pros and cons…

Wealthy Affiliate unbiased review: key takeaways

Before creating this Wealthy Affiliate review, I’d read and heard mixed messages, especially ones revolving around whether it’s a scam or not.

It’s not a scam; it clearly isn’t.

However, I do feel like it’s overhyped for those of us who are already experienced, and I was disappointed to see that some of the content is outdated and offers conflicting advice. This compounded when I noticed gaps were missing in the training subjects, such as content clusters and backlinking, and the ordering of some of the training seemed out of line.

That being said, if you’re a total newbie, then you will gain a lot of information out of Wealthy Affiliate. Sure, you could find all this information elsewhere, and some of it for free, but if you want it all under one roof, there’s an argument to recommend Wealthy Affiliate.

Hell, the team here has had some success with it, so it can’t be that bad! You can get better hosting elsewhere — such as with HostGator — but 25 sites through the premium membership is a lot of sites, through which you could generate a lot of income. Also, having 25 sites with a hosting company will cost a fair amount per month.

If you’re looking for something more advanced and complete, I’d recommend The Authority Site System from AuthorityHacker. They’re even recommended by industry big guns such as Ahrefs and Elementor.

At the very least, Wealthy Affiliate is worth the free 7-day trial to see if it suits your needs.

If you do go for it, tell them I said Hi! And beware of Jaaxy :p

Wealthy Affiliate review FAQs

Yes, Wealthy Affiliate is legit. It’s not a scam like other marketers announce it to be, and by no means is it portrayed as a get rich quick scheme. The membership program, community and trainings are all real. For a detailed look, check out our Wealthy Affiliate scam article.
Wealthy Affiliate is free for the first 7 days. This gives you basic access to the first section of the two main training modules. With this, you can build up to two siterubix.com sites for free with no automatic upgrade to a premium account.
Yes, Wealthy Affiliate is outdated in places. The overall advice is still relevant for current affiliate marketing, but there are screenshots and training videos that are old and need updating. Some of the SEO advice also needs to be modernized to be more relevant.
After the first free 7 days, Wealthy Affiliate costs $19 for the first month and $49 per month thereafter. This allows you to build a site on your own domain, with up to 25 sites allowed through Wealthy Affiliate’s hosting, as well as having access to the entire platform.
You don’t need to cancel the free Wealthy Affiliate membership; it will simply expire. To cancel the Premium membership, click on your profile, then “Account Settings,” “Membership” under “Subscription Settings” and then click “Stop Billing & Cancel Membership.” On the next page, click “Stop Billing & Closes Account.”
Yes, there are many Wealthy Affiliate success stories. Many of these are published within the Wealthy Affiliate community, but you’ll also see these across independent reviews. If you follow the training and put the effort in, there’s no reason why you can’t be another Wealthy Affiliate success story.
There’s no limit to how much you can make with Wealthy Affiliate. Some users earn in excess of $10,000 per month through their sites. The key thing is, they followed the training and took action, and didn’t expect to get rich overnight.

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