Learn How to Make a Living Blogging

This is a FREE 3-month course for beginners that covers everything from A to Z in Blogging

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*We like curious minds that read fine print. Upon completion of the course, email us with your blog and we may have a role for you



The company behind StartBloggingOnline.com, Acquira, has been helping Acquisition Entrepreneurs over the years to purchase online businesses and blogs to scale them. Acquira has successfully grown many online businesses that are now worth 7-figures. We decided to put all of our knowledge acquired over the years into this course and give it away for free. We’re excited and honored that you’re here and that you consider taking our course. We look forward to seeing what you create.


This course is 3 months long and there will be 1 lesson each day of the week with homework for you to complete at the end of each day. IF YOU DO NOT COMPLETE ALL YOUR HOMEWORK, YOU WILL NOT ADVANCE TO MONTHS 2 and 3 OF THE COURSE. We’d rather you not take our course, than for you to take it, but not implement what you’re reading. Implementation is key if you truly want to learn and be successful.


SBO’s Course Will…

SBO’s Course Will Not…


There were several Acquira employees that pitched in to create this amazing course for you. At Acquira, we run online businesses on a daily basis and have grown numerous blogs to be worth 7-figures. We took all the knowledge that we accumulated over the years and created this course that is jam-packed with valuable information.


What happens after I register?

INSTANT ACCESS. Once you register – you’ll be getting DAILY access to a new lesson on every working day of the week. With weekends excluded, you’ll be getting exclusive access to lessons on WordPress, SEO, Facebook Ads, Google Ads, Affiliate Marketing, and more! Our lessons are custom-tailored to allow you to retain more information. It takes 21 days to form a habit – so by the end of week 3 you’ll already be on the path to becoming a Blogging Pro.

I already have a blog, can I still take the course?

YES – this course isn’t just for beginners and intermediate bloggers. We’ve designed it to be ultra-valuable to experienced bloggers too. While our first few lessons will dive into the HOW and WHY of setting up your blog the right way, our lessons succeeding that section will really take your knowledge up a notch. With a combined knowledge bank of 18 years of SEO experience from our course instructors, absolutely everyone is going to be expanding their knowledge from the tactics we discuss here.

Is the course really free, or is there a catch?

YES – We’re not joking when we tell you that this course is free. You are one of the select few who is going to get 12 weeks of daily lessons on topics that will make you MONEY. There is no place or need for you to enter any of your payment info inside this course. You do not need to pay any money to retain or learn this valuable information we’ve put together. From time to time, we may include an affiliate disclosure – meaning we will be compensated a small commission if you click on a link that leads to one of our helpful partners’ sites.

What happens after I complete the course?

Once you complete this course you will be armed with the tools and tactics necessary to scale your website & blog to 6-figures a year. It really is as simple as that. While 80% of course takers will fall into analysis paralysis and never take action on achieving their goals, it’s up to YOU  to do the work and make it happen.


Bianca Devota
“Wow! Never expected to get the amount of information I got from this course. Jam-packed with valuable info. It would have taken me years to find all this information scattered across the web.”
Bianca Devota
Liza Georgievski
“By the third month I already started earning a little over $200/month. I never thought I'd be able to actually make money online. It's a lot of work, but very rewarding.”
Liza Georgievski
Mihai Nichefor
“I have already been running my own affiliate marketing blog, but haven't been able to get much traffic to the website for a few months. I felt stuck until I came across this course.”
Mihai Nichefor

FREE: 3 month course on Blogging & Internet Marketing

was $1997.. get 50 video lessons 100% free

Learn how to...

  • Start a blog from scratch & scale to 6-figures
  • How to write content that Google LOVES
  • How to use Paid Traffic and Affiliate Marketing
  • SEO mastery so that your articles actually rank